Food, Nutraceuticals & Speciality
Food, Nutraceuticals & Speciality


Business VerticalsFood, Nutraceuticals & SpecialityNattolife

Reducing Cardiovascular Risk with Nattokinase

Cardiovascular Diseases are the major cause of morbidity & mortality worldwide. The fibrinolytic enzyme such as Nattokinase helps to promote healthy blood flow and platelet function and therefore reduces the risk of Cardiovascular Diseases. Nattokinase is isolated from natto, a traditional Japanese food for more than 1000 years, prepared by fermenting soybean with Bacillus subtilis natto.
pdf Nattolife Leaflet   pdf Nattolife FAQs

Advantages of Nattolife:

  • It is a naturally occuring, food based dietary supplement.
  • It has prolonged effects and confirmed efficacy without any side effects.
  • It has demonstrated stability in gastrointestinal tract as well as to changes in pH and temperature.

Applications of Nattolife

Possible Nattolife Combinations

Food and Nutraceutical Products

Probiotics for Human Nutrition


Aqua Dip

Speciality Ingredients

Coffee and Cocoa

